Thanks new Job! Peer was referred by Lenny for the role of Learning and Development Specialist

Gepubliceerd op 14 August 2024
Nearly 25% of our new colleagues join Essent based on enthusiastic recommendations from their network and are referred to us for open positions. In Thanks New Job, we celebrate each successful referral hire. This time, Peer Verkuijlen is thanking Lenny Claessens for helping him secure his new role as Learning and Development Specialist.

What are your roles at Essent?
Lenny: "I am a Customer Journey Manager."
Peer: "I work as a Learning and Development Specialist."

How do you know each other?
Lenny: "I know Peer from our time at Goossens Wonen & Slapen. I was in the marketing department, and Peer worked in one of the stores. I was responsible for direct marketing campaigns and collaborated with the stores to activate promotional offers. I continued to follow Peer on LinkedIn."

Peer: "Because Lenny kept following me on LinkedIn, she saw that I had gained considerable experience in training and coaching while working as a trainer at Coolblue. She reached out to invite me for a coffee."

Lenny: "It was challenging for me to assess if Peer’s experience matched what my Learning and Development colleagues were looking for, but I knew Peer would fit well at Essent as a person. That was enough for me to make the connection. Peer responded with great enthusiasm."

Development and Growth

Peer: "Lenny shared with me how she has enjoyed working at Essent for 10 years and how developing people is a high priority here. This piqued my interest. During the interview, the manager joined the conversation, and after that, I became even more enthusiastic. The customer journey approach, the ambitions to enhance Learning and Development at Essent, and the focus on employee growth are all very intriguing to me."

Referral Lunch

Lenny: "Over the past year, I have worked closely with recruitment to fill vacancies in my team. I also helped organize the referral lunch because I know how important it is to leverage colleagues' networks for recruitment."

Lenny: "My tip for new colleagues? Maintain your fresh perspective and don’t be afraid to ask questions."

The Bonus

Lenny: "I used the €1,500 bonus for a weekend getaway with my family."

When in Doubt, Reach Out

Lenny: "If you're unsure whether someone would be a good fit, just make initial contact. Focus on the person and their field of work. You don’t need to know the exact vacancy; the recruitment team can assist with that. They always call to get acquainted and discuss the role. Finding someone who is a good match for Essent as a company is a great starting point for making the first connection."

Leverage Your Network!

Join in and refer someone from your network as a new colleague, just like Lenny did. You’ll be helping Essent and earning a nice bonus for yourself.
